In the pack
• 2 Ten Frame Boards
• 20 Double-sided counters
• Instructions in Afrikaans and English
Your child will learn essential number skills such as:
1. Counting and the Value of Numbers – to determine the number of items in a group, children learn the counting sequence as a rote procedure. Children do, however, also need to learn the meaning of counting by understanding the value of numbers.
For example, children need to learn concepts such as more/less/same, count in order both forwards and backwards, recognise the value/size of each number, compare numbers, and so on.
2. Subitizing – the ability to instantly recognize “how many” in a small set. A perfect example of subitizing is dice; when you roll a dice and you see two dots on top, you instantly recognize it as representing a quantity of two.
3. Composing and Decomposing Numbers – a mathematical skill that involves helping children break numbers down into sub-parts. A child who can compose and decompose numbers understands that 2 and 3 together make 5. They will also know that 5 can be broken down to a 1 and a 4.
4. Addition and Subtraction – the key focus here is to count objects to solve problems of making something larger (addition) or smaller (subtraction).
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