Crazy Daisy (Dizzy Disks) Construction Set – Plastic

This fun construction set is about 500g and comes in a PVC bag. Starage containers available and sold seperately.

Fun and colourful | Great for colour recognition | Sequencing

Can be use in conjunction with other connector construction sets : Gingerbread Kids | Crazy Characters | Round connectors | Interstar connectors

3+ years


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Constructive play: Helps develop fine motor skills – Constructive play helps build the muscles in the fingers and hands, which is needed as children get older and start more formal work, where they need the correct pencil grip and have to cut out accurately.

Constructive play helps children to make sense of the world, they develop problem solving and social skills and improve their fine motor development. Young children often gravitate towards constructive play when given a choice in the classroom.

Creative Play | Problem Solving | Fine Mostor Skills | Cooperative Play | Hand-eye coordination | Spatial Skills | A capacity for creative, divergent thinking | Socaol Skills | Language Skills